Frequently Asked Questions



How do I know if financial coaching or career development is right for me?

Financial coaching or career development is not necessarily the right first step for everyone, which is why we recommend scheduling your free 20-minute consultation with us to devise a plan together. If you are not ready to chat with us just yet, that is OK — we won’t be offended. Instead, consider enrolling in The Class, a comprehensive and step-by-step online course, to build your knowledge base. For many doers, The Class helps them feel more confident about their financial literacy or career development direction before meeting with one of our experts. In the meantime, browse our free read and watch libraries to get started!

what if I am in debt or have no idea what I want to do in my career, could doe still be a good fit for me?

YES. YES. YES. We are designed to help all doers at every stage of their financial and career journey. For some, that starts with getting out of debt or landing the right first job. For others it is making your first investment or enrolling in your employers 401(k). This is a judgement-free zone and we are here to help. Our entire platform is structured to cater to every budget because we get it — not everyone in every situation can afford one-on-one financial coaching or career development, which is why we offer a free consultation. We encourage you to reach out to us no matter your current situation so that we can find the right set of tools at doe that will work best you.

what can i expect in my free 20 minute consultation?

For your free 20-minute virtual consultation, we will be prepared to answer any of your questions. However, if you’re unsure how doe can help you, we will help you understand how doe can help you based on where you are in your financial and career journey.

do I need to prepare anything before my first consultation with doe?

Nope! However, if you would like to ask us your questions, please feel free to jot those down and ask away! Otherwise, we will walk you through our platform and all the resources that doe offers based on your personal situation. If you do decide to go ahead with financial coaching or career development, we will ask you to complete a short intake questionnaire (highly confidential and completed to your comfort level) to help prepare us to make our first official session together as productive and specific to you as possible. From there, we will devise a game-plan together to ensure that you are well-positioned to accomplish all of your goals with doe.

is there any obligation if i sign up for a free consultation?

ABSOLUTELY NOT. Your free initial consultation is exactly that = free. Your consultation is a great place to get any of your questions about doe answered by an actual financial and career expert and to understand how the entire doe platform could help you reach your goals. Remember that our read and watch libraries are always free and coaching is just another resource that doe offers, depending on what is right for you. Our one and only goal is to make sure that you get what you need to build your personal financial toolbox and career development kit — we will never waste your time with a cheesy sales pitch because here at doe, we believe that your time is your most precious resource.

when will the next event be scheduled?

Due to COVID-19 we have suspended all in-person events. However, we are hosting virtual events throughout the year! In the meantime, sign up for our newsletter to get the latest information. Also, keep checking back here for frequent updates or follow us on our social media.

why are the events not free?

Don’t worry, some events are free! First and foremost, we host events that are fun. Whether we get together over lunch, dinner, or drinks, doe events are set up the way you would meet with your friends to chat about money. Any fees cover the cost of the venue, food and drinks so that we can create an experience that is worth your most precious asset = TIME.

why is the class not free?

You truly get what you pay for: The Class is a comprehensive online resource for personal finance and career development — all in one place. There is so much conflicting information online around personal finance and career advice that we know it can be really confusing. The Class is a step-by-step guide to everything you actually need to know. We are confident that you will get a ton of value out of it but if not, please e-mail us at or send us a message here to request a full refund.

Which organizations do you support through your 10% profit donation program?

We are always on the lookout for organizations that we believe are aligned with our mission of improving access to financial education and career development that is accurate and applicable to the unique needs of young women in primarily underserved communities. Depending on the organization, we often promote them on our platform to spread the word. Additionally, if you know of any organizations that might share our vision, please send us a message here.

i signed up for the newsletter but how can i unsubscribe?

We will be sad to see you go but we completely understand. You can always select unsubscribe from your first e-mail and we will remove you from our list as soon as possible. Otherwise, please send us an e-mail at or reach out to us here.

what if i have a question about your website, article or story?

Please e-mail us at or send us a message here with any of your questions — we love hearing from you! We will do our best to get back to you within 72 hours. Also, you can schedule your free 20-minute consultation to ask any questions as well. We are always here for you and cannot wait to help you get started!